Tuesday 23 October 2012

DRAFT ESSAY- basically notes.

·      Ideology/gender
·      Laura mulvey’s male gaze
·      Photoshop- hyper-reality
·      Active and passive audience

Photoshop is a tool used in every day media to change the way something or someone looks. It has been used greatly in advertising and gives a false portrayal to the audience of how a person looks and how they should look.  Both Vogue and FHM use Photoshop to edit the pictures they put up on their website however they do it in a very different way.
FHM and other glamour photography organisations have been accused of promoting an unrealistic image of females through the use of Photoshop. They make women have perfect, flawless skin with bright eyes, skinny waist but large breasts. FHM will do this because it attracts the audience the company most desires.
Vogue has a different target audience of young to middle-aged females and the website tends to just include very thin models or celebrities. A large issue recently showing the use of Photoshop in vogue is when Lady Gaga did the front cover of the magazine that was also put on the official website along with a video of the shoot. The real images on the video are extremely different to the published front cover, where Lady Gaga appears taller and thinner with an extremely tiny waist where in reality this isn’t the case.
            Hyper-reality is a part of the Post modernism theory that circles around society today. This states that nothing is original; we are copying copes and viewing a fake reality. The use of Photoshop backs this theory as when we are looking at these manipulated images, they are fake, the females in the image do not look like this so the pure reality has been lost as a passive audience would just assume that is actually what the women look like and aspire to be like them.

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